Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10)

DGN2SDO.EXE Command Line Application

The DGN2SDO command line application provides Oracle database administrators the ability to load MicroStation design file geometries and attributes into an Oracle Spatial database. The following image depicts the data flow supported by the DGN2SDO application.

The following options are from the dgn2sdo.exe -h command line help.

Usage: DGN2SDO parameter=value (repeat, separating each paramater=value pair with a space) (Note: parameter values containing spaces must be surrounded by quotation characters, e.g., IN_LEVEL="Level 2").

Required parameters:

IN_TYPE=<DGN|XFM> : Specifies the type of files to convert.
IN_FILE=<filename-list> : Input files to convert (multiple files delimited by |, wildcard support.) Not required if using optional OUT_SCHEMA_ONLY=TRUE option.
IN_METADB=user/password@service : Specifies an Oracle database connection from where DGN2SDO will obtain Oracle Spatial metadata (e.g., valid target coordinate systems.)
Required parameters for IN_TYPE=DGN:

IN_GEOM_TYPE=<geometry-type> : Specifies a geometry type filter to use in the conversion.
OUT_GEOM_TABLE=<out table name> : Oracle table name to be used in the table creation and loading scripts.

Optional parameters for IN_TYPE=DGN:

IN_COLOR=<element color number> : Specifies an element color number to use as a filter in the conversion.
IN_WEIGHT=<element weight> : Specifies an element weight to use as a filter in the conversion.
IN_STYLE=<element style> : Specifies an element style to use as a filter in the conversion.
IN_LEVEL=<level-list> : Select elements on specified levels only.
IN_DB=<database type>,<login string>[,tablename]: Specify a DB connection to an MSLINK'd database for processing Entity/MSLINK linkages on elements.
IN_QUERY=<where clause of a SQL query> : Filter elements based upon the where clause (requires IN_DB).

Required parameters for IN_TYPE=XFM:

IN_WU=<user workspace name> : Required. This will cause a specific GSX/Bentley Map workspace to be used.

IN_FEATURE=<feature-list> : Select the features to be converted (multiple features delimited by |, wildcard support.)

Optional parameters for IN_TYPE=XFM:

IN_DB=<database type>,<login string> : Specify a DB connection to a legacy GeoGraphics database for processing GeoGraphics features as XFM features.
IN_QUERY=<where clause of a SQL query> : Filter features based upon the where clause (requires IN_DB).
OUT_WM_VALID=<validFrom property>,<validtill property> : The date/time property names to use to create the value of a new WM_VALID column.

Other optional parameters that apply to all file types:

IN_EXTENT=<xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax> : Specifies a spatial extent, used when scanning the input design file.
OUT_DIR=<outdir> : Overrides the default output directory where SQL Loader scripts are placed.
OUT_GEOM_COL=<geometry col name> : Geometry column name to use for generated SDO_GEOMETRY columns. Defaults to "OGC_GEOMETRY".
OUT_CS=<output SRID> : Output coordinate system (Oracle SRID) for the generated spatial layers. Defaults to null.
OUT_GEOM_TOL=<geomtolerance> : The tolerance to set on generated SDO_GEOMETRY columns. Defaults to 0.000000050.
OUT_SPATIAL_INDEX=<TRUE|FALSE> : A flag indicating whether the generated SQL script for creating spatial tables should also contain a SQL statement to create a spatial index for the table. Default is TRUE.
OUT_INDEX_TYPE=<spatialindextype> : An override to the spatial index type. Only used if OUT_SPATIAL_INDEX is set to TRUE. If this argument is not specified, the index type is determined automatically from the input datastream.
OUT_DIM=<2D|3D> : Specify the dimension of the generated spatial layer. Default = 2D.
OUT_XDIM=(min_x,max_x) : Override the generated spatial layer limits for the X axis.
OUT_YDIM=(min_y,max_y) : Override the generated spatial layer limits for the Y axis.
OUT_ZDIM=(min_z,max_z) : Override the generated spatial layer limits for the Z axis.
OUT_PK_COL_NAME=<Primary Key name> : Override the generated name for the primary key column.
OUT_PK_START=<start value> : Override the default starting value for generated Primary Key values.
OUT_DELIM=<char> : Override the field delimiter to use in generated SQL*Loader .DAT files.
OUT_SCHEMA_ONLY=<true|false> : Specifies that table creation and indexing scripts be created, but do not generate any SQL*Loader scripts.
OUT_SCHEMA_FEATURES= : Specifies that table creation and indexing scripts be created for all schema features regardless of whether or not instances exist in the input file(s).
IN_WP=<project_config_file> : Specifies a MicroStation project configuration file (.pcf) to use.
IN_WR=<workspace_root> : Specifies an alternate MicroStation workspace root directory to use.

Topology Related Parameters:

OUT_TOPO_NAME=<topology name> : Name of the topology to be created.
OUT_TOPO_TABLE=<topology feature table name> : Name of the topology feature table to be created.
OUT_TOPO_COL=<TopologyColumName> : The SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY column name, defaults to "FEATURE".
OUT_TOPO_TOL=<TopologyTolerance> : The tolerance for the topology, defaults to 0.000000050.
OUT_DIGITS_RIGHT_OF_DECIMAL=<value to use> : Override the number of digits permitted to the right of the decimal point in the expression of any coordinate position when features are added to an existing topology. Used in the generated call to SDO_TOPO.CREATE_TOPOLOGY.

-? or -h or -help : Print this List